Saturday, July 21, 2012

Update on my theatrical summer

So far...

I have directed Dance Lessons by Josh Koenigsberg.
I have assistant directed Valley of Fear by Steve Lawson celebrating the 25th year of FREE THEATRE at Williamstown Theatre Festival.
I have just started work on assistant directing Row After Row by Jessie Dickie.
I have seen 7 productions at Williamstown Theatre Festival including pieces from the workshop at WTF.
I have seen 1 stand-up.
I have had masterclasses with David Hyde Pierce, Jessica Stone, Lewis Black, and New York Casting Directors.
I have attended multiple Shakespeare classes and will be attending my first improv class today.
I have broken down a massive Broadway caliber set in an 8 hour shift for an overnight strike.
I have experienced a crazy dance party that lasted all evening and had Bradley Cooper, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Leslie Bibb, and Justin Long in  attendance.

My second production I have directed is In the Land of Giants by Gina Femia. It goes up tonight as part of an evening of site specific work.

Life is crazy here at Theatre Camp and I can't believe it is already half way over!
Hope everyone is enjoying the real world.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Lady I'm so jealous. What an amazing summer! :)