Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sketchy McSketcherson

Lately I have been sketching again! It has been beautiful out so I have been able to go to the park and be inspired by the world around me. Also at work I get a lot of down time while the show is going on, so I have been able to sketch there as well.

These sketches at the moment are not leading up to anything, just a nice hobby. Who knows, if I really enjoy one it might fuel another project or evolve into something more.

Here are some of the sketches:
This one was originally going to be someone on the verge of speaking. I started to sketch a person's lips but it was conveying something totally different to me with each line I drew. Eventually it became this scene of water crashing against rocks. Can you spot the bird trying to get to her nest?At my subway transfer station there was a little boy hiding from his mother behind a trashcan. To him it was like playing a game, he wanted his mother's attention so badly but as the game went on and she did not participate he gave up and resigned to just sitting there alone behind the trashcan. In this drawing I wanted to convey that innocence and playfulness with a touch of loneliness.
Lastly, my Times Square. At work I was trying to think of something to sketch and a co-worker suggested Times Square. I had actually drawn a sketch of Times Square about a week prior and had hated it. Then she said well fine draw a tree! I love drawing trees!! Well then draw a natural Times Square... whatever that means. So I sat in the theatre and drew this.

Now where you come in: If you have an ideas for sketches or for inspiration for a sketch please send them to me! I love assignments!

Hope you enjoyed my drawings! I have couple other projects that I will update you on next week once I make a little progress on them.

Enjoy the nice weather!
Kosmo out.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Theatre projects!

I have been meaning to write this for quiet sometime! I am currently working on three theatre projects all of which are very exciting and very different from each other.

The Grunt Work
Since January I have been interning with Ensemble Studio Theatre working as the assistant to the season producer, Annie Trizna. I have been learning how the administrative end of a theatre runs and making lots of connections. Of course it is not all producing, I get to take out the trash, make copies, and run lots of errands but I am learning a lot.

It is a part time internship so I don't get paid but I do get a three hour class once a week in return for my services. Our class is based around the needs of the interns. Some weeks it will be a master class with a member of the company, while other weeks we will have a lecture on managing an Off-Broadway theatre. It all depends on what we want more of and want to learn more about. Also, as an intern class we are developing our own theatre piece. Each intern has a hand in writing, directing, producing, and performing in the piece. At the end of our internship we will present it as a showcase for the company and friends.

Trying Something New
A close friend of mine, Jessica Pearson, a director residing in DC and founder of the Hobo Jungle Theatre Company, has written a play that is going to premier at this summer's Capitol Fringe Festival in Washington DC. She was looking for artists to get involved in anyway possible. So I tossed my hat into the ring! I am going to be her head of marketing!! Marketing is something I have not done before but would love to try it out. My sister has offered to give me pointers being an experienced PR agent. And since I work close to the head of Marketing at EST, he has also offered guidance on my endeavor. I am planning on really diving into this project later in the month.

Directing... as I tend to do!
A couple artists who work at the Henry Miller Theatre with me have been itching to do some work. I asked around and found a great script written by a good friend of mine Steven Spotswood. The play is called Fire Burn and follows three spirits who are closely connected to the fabric of time. These characters are first presented as the three weird sisters from Macbeth. It is a interesting and fun script, SO much to play with! We are going to try to present a reading of it before the end of March. If not we will then try to present it at some point over the summer.

Still more
I have been interviewing, auditioning, and applying for a whole mess of things for the summer and next year. Everything is kind of up in the air at the moment but I will keep everyone informed as I go.

All the Best,