As this twine is building up, some of the ushers made bracelets, anklets, and bookmarks to pass the time during the show. I grew tired making simple braids and knots and was curious as to what I could create with the twine. On Halloween all the ushers at Henry Miller's were sad by the lack of decorations. So I dedicated a show to making a halloween spider web and spider to decorate the usher closet. It actually turned out rather well!

After the success with the web I was motivated to create more with the theatre twine. I knotted lots of twine together and started to crochet! I have never really crocheted anything other than a simple chain for a knitting project before. Once I connected the crochet chain instead of doubling back I found how to easily crochet in the round. I created my first hat!

I am now in the middle of creating roses for all the ushers. I have knitted 8 usher roses I only need 7 more (If I include my HM and AHM). I am going to dye them red and give them out at our holiday gift exchange on December 19th.
Keepin' crafty!